Jack Nicholson Resurfaces in a Rare Family Photo Amidst a Quiet Life

Jack Nicholson remains a prominent figure in the entertainment world, though his public appearances have become increasingly infrequent. These days, he seems to prefer the quiet life, choosing leisurely activities like reading under a tree over acting. Recently, his daughter Lorraine Nicholson shared a...

New Year…Is the Right Time for Resolutions

According to online research, New Year's resolutions tend to be more popular among younger age groups. For instance, approximately 31% of individuals aged 30 to 49 report making resolutions. In contrast, only about 21% of adults aged 50 and older have made such commitments....

Korn won’t be releasing new music in the near future 

If Korn fans were hoping for a new album in the foreseeable future, they will be sorely disappointed to know it's not coming any time soon. Brian "Head" WelchY of Korn sat down with the Australian podcast "Everblack", and discussed the band's follow up to...