Dionna Joi

Dionna Joi

Dionna Joi

About Dionna Joi

Dionna Joi began her career in media on the East Coast.  Over the years, this NJ native has worked at News 12 NJ, Hot 97, Kiss FM, BET, B98.5, 91.1 radio, and other magazine and TV publications. She loves a wide range of music and will listen to just about all genres. If put in charge of a car radio playlist you’ll hear anything from Luther Vandross to Linkin Park to Frank Sinatra; she grew up in a musical household so music has always played a huge role in her life. Now currently residing in Houston TX, she has worked at two local stations and has been with Audilous for 4 years now. Dionna Joi’s favorite pastimes include binge watching Netflix, taking walks, traveling, shopping on Amazon, and trying new restaurants. She’s a huge social butterfly and loves to interact with new people.