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Mosh Madness with Leeza

Mosh Madness with Leeza

Mosh Madness with Leeza

About Mosh Madness with Leeza

Hello my loves! My name is Leeza and if you love Motionless In White, lots of girl power and a little bit of hocus pocus, you've definitely come to the right place! I'm the witch of Rockcast Radio (that's not a euphemism, I actually practice witchcraft!) and on this lovely station of ours, I host 2 super cool shows during the weekdays; a rock news show called Mosh Madness with Leeza that airs every Monday through Friday, and a Friday show filled with witchy tips and amazing rock called Rock Witch Way!  I've been OBSESSED with rock music since I was 11 years old, so it makes me incredibly happy to get to share that love with you guys here on Rockcast Radio!

Whenever I'm not sharing my love of music with you guys through the station, I'm sharing music with SOMEONE because I'm pretty sure my love language is making music playlists for the people in my life that fits their situations to varying degrees. On those days off, I'm also probably hanging out with my fur baby Coco and making up little songs for her that she absolutely hates! But don't worry, I'm not ALWAYS playing music for the people around me! I also have a life that often involves Buffy The Vampire Slayer, lots of colorful crystals, glitter gel pens and spicy food!

So if you'd like to hang out with a witchy woman that is clearly obsessed with music, come check out my shows every weekday! I'll make sure to save the best songs for you! See you there!

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Who is your hero?    Cher! And when my Crunchyroll account works, Sailor Moon
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?   I’d like to live in the Supernatural universe. Any universe where I could bump into Dean Winchester is a good place to be in my book
What is your biggest fear?   Dinosaurs coming back to life. No thank you. Jurassic Park is pretty much my personal hell (If Jeff Goldblum wasn’t in it I’d have cried the entire movie)
What really makes you angry?   Being told to calm down takes me from 0 to 100 REAL quick
What motivates you to work hard?   I like proving people wrong so if someone doesn’t think I can do something ,it pushes me to do whatever it is until I destroy it (cue beartooth-doubt me)
What is your favorite thing about being on the radio?   I love that I can talk about my favorite bands and make playlists!! I do that WITHOUT the radio anyways but now I can do it and people will actually enjoy the hyperfixation in action
What makes you laugh the most?    A well placed pun or dad joke! Also I have a nervous laugh so if anything catches me off guard, I will laugh hysterically which can be very unsettling in haunted houses
What are your favorite movies?    When I’m feeling sad I love Mamma Mia, To Wong Foo, The Birdcage, The Producers, Burlesque, or The Phantom of the Opera. But I also really love Midsommar, Pearl, The Love Witch, Coraline, Bram Stokers Dracula, Practical Magic, etc. I love movies so picking one is impossible. But if it’s campy or halloweeny, I’m all over it.
What did you want to be when you were a kid?    I wanted to be a nun/tony award winning actress on Broadway
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?  I’d be at the beach. I live for the beach! It makes my little sea witch heart happy
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?     I’m not really into watching sports until Olympics and World Cup time. I am OBSESSED with gymnastics, figure skating and rugby and watch them religiously the moment the opening ceremonies happen. Before and after that point though? I really forget they exist. Also when World Cup time rolls around, I’m glued to the screen and betting on every Latin American country playing
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?    I’d rather ride a dragon, to be honest
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?    I’d love to say I only ever listen to Rockcast Radio (shameless plug) but whenever my puppy is in the car she will only listen to her two favorite songs or else she’s raising hell. Those songs are the BTS song Butter and the Taylor Swift song Shake It Off. So it’s those song on a loop if it’s a day for a duo adventure
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?     Arroz con habichuelas y carne guisada. But specifically if my sister or mom makes it!
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?    In highschool my nickname was Leeza Buttsqueeza.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?    I’d probably go to the doctor because ya girl doesn’t have health insurance
What are your hobbies?    Knitting, reading, witchy stuff, yoga, listening to music, trying new foods, watching kdramas and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, hand making cards, painting, writing and most importantly SLEEPING
List two pet peeves.     When put an “m” in Valentine’s Day and when people stand really close at the grocery store
Where do you see yourself in five years?    I see myself in New Zealand doing the Lord Of The Rings tour, living my best hobbit life
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?    I want powers like Mystique! To mimic anyone else’s powers and shape shift. I’d basically have every super power in the world
What would you do if you won the lottery?     I’d go on that Lottery Dream House show with David Bromstad! I’ve had a crush on him since highschool so I’d finally have my chance to see his beauty up close
If you could eat a meal with any 4 people, living or dead, who would they be?     I’d like say my favorite living artists like Chris Motionless or Oli Sykes but I’m not going to lie…I think I’d pass out in my food and embarrass myself…so I’ll pick an all dead table: David Bowie, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, bell hooks and Alan Rickman. I feel like they wouldn’t judge me for passing out in my food
How many pillows do you sleep with?    2 pillows and 4 stuffed animals
What's your favorite holiday?     Halloween all day, every day!
What's your favorite type of foreign food?    I live for Mexican and Korean food. Give me some street tacos, chimichangas or bibimbap and I’m a happy girl
Are you a clean or messy person?      I’m an extremely clean/messy person. If I can’t see things I will forget I own them so I have most of my things out on my counters, desk, etc, however I have really bad contamination OCD. So I will literally remove everything from a room, do a deep clean, and then return my clutter back to its original spot so I can see all of my belongings and remember to use them at some point
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?    This one is hard because I don’t think I really look like any one that’s famous…but I’d be happy if older me could be played by Keira Knightly! I really love her and I just really want to meet her
What's your favorite fast food chain?    Dunkin Donuts!
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?    A machete, a pot and maybe a fire starter….I know this is meant to be something fun but I take survival seriously because I REFUSE TO DIE
Do you collect anything?   I have A LOT of crystals, candles, and yarn.