Van Camp & Morgan Morning Show

Van Camp & Morgan Morning Show

Van Camp & Morgan Morning Show

About Van Camp & Morgan Morning Show

In January of 2020, something strange was getting started and would soon make it all around the globe. No not coronavirus… but The Van Camp and Morgan Show!

Oh, yeah, there was also a pesky pandemic. Who would have thought that the world would be so divided, but enough about our show.

The John Van Camp and Morgan show really took off back in the prior decade when Morgan became a side kick on Van Camp’s daily radio show. She was the voice of the Who Cares News delivering all the news you couldn’t care less about.

But even way before then–we’re talking back in the 20th Century–John and Mo had been friends. It made sense that the two would eventually end up working together, and working so well with one another.

Today, dozens of radio stations around the world air the Van Camp and Morgan show and we’re adding affiliates almost weekly. For some reason, these two are relating to people of all ages.

Relating is a big reason. Being real people, living real lives with all the trappings (and debts) of most average people helps John and Morgan relate to what everyone is feeling. Which makes the show genuine, and thought-provoking as well.

It’s funny too! Because real life is funny in itself. The old cliche: “You can’t make this stuff up” applies.

Listeners are a big part of the show as well. Because people live real lives and that makes up the world. And real life makes for the best stories.

We produce two daily podcasts as well, The Who Cares News and Van Camp and Morgan Right Now that give listeners a daily dose of VCM on-demand. Our shows are available on all the major podcast directories.