Attila premiere latest single, “America’s Rejects”

Attila has released their new single, "America's Rejects". Attila frontman Chris Fronzak said of their newest song: "'America's Rejects' is an anthem for anyone who's ever felt like they didn't belong--a big middle finger to the status quo. Adding Butcher Babies and Ded to this lineup...

Empowering Change Women Reshaping the Metal and Hard Rock Scene

During a recent conversation on "The Allison Hagendorf Show," Courtney LaPlante, the lead vocalist of the acclaimed progressive metal band SPIRITBOX, shared her insights on the evolution of the metal and hard rock scene over the past fifteen years. She emphasized that one of...

Korn won’t be releasing new music in the near future 

If Korn fans were hoping for a new album in the foreseeable future, they will be sorely disappointed to know it's not coming any time soon. Brian "Head" WelchY of Korn sat down with the Australian podcast "Everblack", and discussed the band's follow up to...

Masters Of Metal Parody NANOWAR OF STEEL Program Addictive Hit “”

Masters of comedic heavy metal NANOWAR OF STEEL strike again with their latest track, "," a standout addition to their legacy of absurdly brilliant music. This tongue-in-cheek masterpiece merges headbanging riffs with a programmer’s worst (and funniest) nightmares. The band’s new live album, 'XX...