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Real People, Real Radio

JJ Jackson

I’m J.J. Jackson. Throughout my radio career, I’ve shined in Atlanta, San Diego, Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, Sacramento, and more too numerous to mention. I love radio, I love oldies, and I love being with you here on Retro Radio.

But, don’t let that radio prowess fool you. My other passion is food, not just eating but cooking. Laughing and learning are essential ingredients for what I do. I’m a unique cross between historic and hysterical author and columnist Erma Bombeck and a morning DJ that’s never gotten enough sleep. I say all the time… “You put the two in a blender, and what comes out is a funny and informative podcast I call Food Tips: The Basics and Beyond!”

You can hear my Food Tips: The Basics and Beyond wherever you get your podcasts. Just Google Food Tips: The Basics and Beyond. And don’t forget the basics and beyond part. I have another podcast called Dog Food Tips—and it’s not the same!

I’ve even been recognized for my food creations by the Food Network®, Southern Living® magazine and the Atlanta Journal Constitution. I’ve served on industry boards of 3 states for School Nutrition and on the national board. I am a former board member of FEAT of Louisville (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) and a key influence in helping to get the Autism Insurance bill passed into law in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Weekdays // Retro Radio // 6am - 10am Eastern


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