A word of encouragement for caregivers and to all who have concerns.
I was blessed to have the privilege to honor my mother in her golden years. She was a faithful mom. She sacrificed for me more than I could mention. I thank God for allowing me to be of mind to understand and recognize all that Wilkie Mae Moore-Campbell had done for me. She was a child of God, and I loved her. Just before my wedding engagement in the late 80’s my mom began to slowly decline in health. It started with lightheadedness, difficultly moving one leg, and fainting spells here and there. I should have known
something was happening when she decided to stop driving.
Over a period of a couple of years the symptoms became worse. By this time, I was married and my husband understood that I was going to care for my mom. She and I were living together when she retired and decided to move with me and live farther south than that of my childhood. We were a package team. God gave me the right person I needed who would understand me. I was my mom’s only child.
As her symptoms began to increase, we went from doctor to specialist over a few years. Then in 1996 a special test given at John Hopkins University Medical Hospital, we discovered she had a rare disease called PSP. This disease affects a cluster of cells in the brain which causes difficulty in different parts of the body’s function. However, despite this diagnosis, we believed that God would make the way easy and clear. There were a series of complications that occurred during this time, but every challenge we had God was there to lift us and bring us through. This brings me to the crust of my topic. At one point, I had placed a baby monitor to hear her in the room, as well, sometimes I would take a cart and sleep next to her hospital bed in the home. Sometimes I would crouch at the foot of her bed and sleep there all night and still go to work in the morning.
We had a faithful caretaker we paid to stay with her during the day. One night in particular my mom was having a difficult time. She had lost the ability to swallow and sometimes there would be mucus that would build up and thicken. I ran a machine to try to keep her throat clear, but she was having a difficult night. I was physically exhausted but not exhausted for my mental and emotional care for her. I slept on the cot that evening by her bedside. We kept Christian Broadcasting on. That evening, I heard a sermon from a preacher, T.D. Jakes spoke of the event with the disciples on the boat with Jesus when a storm arrived. They were panicking and afraid. Jesus was asleep. Finally, they went to Jesus and spoke about them perishing. Jesus got up that evening and spoke to the storm, wind, and the sea. He told them,” Peace be Still.” Jesus had already told the disciples that they were going to the other side. It did not matter what would occur along the way. They were with Jesus. The God of the Universe was with them. All they had to do was believe. Jesus knew that nothing was going to stop what he had commanded. Even the storm, wind, and sea behaved when He spoke to them. These elements recognized The Creator of the Universe. The psalmist even speaks of the earth trembling at His presence. HE IS God! The preacher stated that evening to give your concerns to Jesus and go to sleep. That sermon was what I needed. As I lay on the cot, I asked Jesus to continue to help my mom and to please allow me to sleep. I repeated it. The next thing I knew morning had broken, my mom was smiling, and I had rest.
Listen, I know there are many things that concern you. Jesus promised that He would be with you. He asked us to cast all of our cares on Him because He cares for us. Listen, whatever that thing that troubles you, give it to Jesus. Trust Him and go to sleep. He will take care of you and everything that concerns you. He loves you and nothing will ever stop that. Give it to God and rest.
By Sister Cookie
Highest Praise Radio on-air talent | Weekends 6-9 PM (EST)