The flyover ramp connecting southbound Interstate 15 to eastbound Tropicana Avenue is set to reopen later this month after being closed since 2022. This reopening follows the temporary closure of Tropicana Avenue over I-15 from 9 p.m. Sunday to 5 a.m. March 14, as crews switch the road from a diverging diamond interchange to a standard configuration. During this period, Tropicana will be closed to traffic in both directions between Polaris Avenue and New York-New York.
The Tropicana Avenue project began in May 2022 as part of the $382 million I-15-Tropicana project and is expected to conclude later this year. The main traffic impacts are anticipated to be removed by late April. In addition to the flyover ramp reopening, Tropicana will maintain two lanes in each direction while median construction continues.
The project includes several enhancements such as adding lanes on the Tropicana bridge over I-15, installing dynamic messaging boards, and rehabilitating pavement between Warm Springs and Flamingo roads. Additionally, a high occupancy vehicle half-interchange is being added at Harmon Avenue. A new road, Joey Bishop Drive, has also been introduced, connecting Dean Martin Drive to improve north-south travel and eliminate the four-way intersection at Dean Martin and Tropicana.