Eddie Levert, the legendary frontman of The O’Jays, is grieving the devastating loss of his 22-year-old daughter, Ryan Levert, who passed away following a courageous battle with lupus. Known for her vibrant personality, artistic talent, and close bond with her father, Ryan was carving her path in the entertainment world, inspired by Eddie’s timeless legacy.
“She was a bright light in all our lives,” Eddie shared in an emotional statement. “Her kindness, joy, and love will never be forgotten.”
Ryan, the daughter of Eddie and his wife Raquel Levert shared a special connection with her father. Together, they hosted the podcast The Levert Opinion, where their humor and mutual love for storytelling captivated listeners and showcased their unique bond.
Her passing marks another heartbreaking loss for the Levert family. Eddie’s sons, Gerald and Sean Levert, also passed away in 2006 and 2008, respectively. Now, with Ryan’s loss, Eddie has endured the unimaginable pain of losing three children.
Ryan faced her battle with lupus—a chronic autoimmune disease—with strength and grace, and her father remained a constant source of support throughout her journey.
Despite his grief, Eddie has expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love and support from fans and the music community. He remains committed to honoring Ryan’s legacy of love, authenticity, and resilience. Ryan’s memory will continue to shine brightly in the hearts of her family, friends, and all who were inspired by her remarkable spirit.
Clarinda Pearsall
December 26, 2024 at 9:47 amSo sorry for your loss I’ve been battling Lupus for 33 years