Mastodon is about to “start fine-tuning” material for next album

Mastodon is already working on new music!

The band’s vocalist/drummer Brann Dailor spoke about the band’s progress on their next studio album during an interview with Australia’s Heavy.

He stated:

“We’ve been writing. We were writing before the ‘[Ashes Of] Leviathan’ tour here in the States and Canada, and we’re just now digging back in because we sort of just got home from that tour. We were gone for two months and then we had a month and a half long weekend-warrior stuff where we were going out and doing festivals on the weekends. And so you can’t really split your mind in two there and say, ‘Okay. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, we’re gonna work on new material, then we’re gonna drill the set, then we’re gonna get on a flight and go play this festival. Then we’re gonna come back up.’ It just doesn’t work like that. So, we’re digging back in. Actually, I think on Monday is when we really start fine-tuning some of the material that we had before.”



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