Australian scientists have confirmed the discovery of a larger and more venomous species of one of the world’s most dangerous spiders. Nicknamed ‘big boy’, this new species can grow up to 9cm, significantly larger than the more common Sydney funnel-web, which typically reaches 5cm. According to spider expert Kane Christensen, this spider is not only larger but also possesses bigger venom glands and longer fangs. Although the venom of Sydney funnel-webs is fast-acting and highly toxic, the same anti-venom is effective against bites from the new species as well.
Mr. Christensen first encountered ‘big boy’ in the early 2000s near Newcastle, about 105 miles north of Sydney. In recognition of his discovery, the spider has been officially named Atrax christenseni. Mr. Christensen cautions against handling these spiders, as they can deliver substantial amounts of venom. He notes that they can sometimes be found indoors, having wandered in during the night.
Scientists from the Australian Museum, Flinders University, and Germany’s Leibniz Institute have classified ‘big boy’ as a separate species of funnel-web. Sydney funnel-webs are typically found in eastern Australia, within about 100 miles of Sydney, and are most active from November to April when males seek mates at night. While there have been thirteen recorded deaths linked to funnel-webs, no fatalities have occurred since the development of an anti-venom in 1981.