During a recent episode of “The Jasta Show,” hosted by HATEBREED frontman Jamey Jasta, Myles Kennedy, known for his work with ALTER BRIDGE and SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS, discussed the longevity of his singing and performing career.
The 55-year-old musician from Spokane, Washington, expressed uncertainty about how long he can continue, saying it depends on the condition of his voice and hands. Kennedy reflected on the idea of letting go, considering what it would mean to stop performing and how it might affect his sense of purpose and mental health. He shared that he constantly needs to write and create as an outlet for his emotions and struggles.
When asked about finding new passions, Kennedy mentioned exploring interests like horology, inspired by Eric Singer from KISS, but ultimately always returning to music.
He recounted a nerve injury that temporarily hindered his playing and how it made him confront the possibility of not being able to perform. Despite the uncertainty some singers face as they age, Kennedy is committed to continuing his musical journey for as long as he can.
Kennedy’s third solo album, “The Art Of Letting Go,” was released in October by Napalm Records, featuring his band with Zia Uddin on drums and Tim Tournier on bass. To promote the album, Kennedy and his band embarked on a tour across Europe and the U.K. last year, with more European dates announced for 2024 and a North American leg planned for early 2025, featuring special guest Tim Montana.
As a prolific songwriter and performer, Kennedy has made a significant impact with ALTER BRIDGE, known for their gold-certified success and arena-filling performances.
With SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS, his vocal range has impressed audiences since 2010. Kennedy’s collaborations span a variety of artists, showcasing his versatility and earning him over a billion streams and numerous certifications. His previous album, “The Ides Of March,” released in 2021, received widespread acclaim and topped several charts, solidifying his status as a musical powerhouse.